Well, as I discovered early on in my husband and my relationship, the statement; "Is this what life with you will be like?" to which he replied, "Pretty much so..." and I replied, "Damn sure won't be dull!"
Thus this picture taken by him in San Francisco a couple of years back...You can take a boy out of Mississippi, but you can't take Mississippi out of the boy.
During a conference break, he went next door to a pastry shop and purchased a couple of what he perceived to be some delicious treats. Going back outside to enjoy the "fresh air", he took one bite and realized it was a bit stale. Rather than just throw them away, he began feeding the pigeons on the sidewalk.
As he was about to finish the feeding, a SFPD officer came up and asked him, "Sir, do you know its against the law to feed the pigeons?"
To which my Mississippi boy replied, without thinking, "You're shittin me?"
I guess the deep southern drawl gave him some leeway, as the officer replied, "No sir, it's posted all along the street."
The southern boy asked, "Where?"
The officer pointed down the street.
The boy from Mississippi said, "You mean you got homeless vagrants shitting and rubbing it on the sides of the buildings, but you've got a law where you can't feed the birds?"
The SFPD didn't think his remark was at all funny to which the Mississippi boy quickly stated, "Oh well, I'm sorry officer, I didn't see the sign."
"Well, just don't do it again."
"Yes sir."
The boy hadn't seen the sign and walked a few blocks before he came across a small posted sign, a very small sign, that said it was against the law to feed the birds.
He didn't feed the birds again and thus, he came home, without having to post bond for breaking any San Francisco laws.
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