The good Lord gives us talents. I have several, one of which is drawing from nature. Actually, this one is from a photo I took several years back. It is a Monarch Butterfly on a flower in Memphis at the Lichterman Nature Center.
The Autumn of 06, while sitting out in the front yard near dusk, I looked up and noticed that flying above were hoards of Monarchs overhead. I instantly realized that they were headed south, along their migration path to Mexico.
No, I didn't get photos as I was more enamoured with watching their flight.
This spring I planted a huge pot of dill. Growing ever so faithfully, I first noticed small caterpillars devouring them. What were these creatures that were partaking of my delicacies? As they grew, I realized they were Monarchs. After feasting on the dill, their yellow bands turned a lime green. Disappearing from active view after finishing the dill, I knew my dill had not gone to waste. Next year, I will plant more dill just to enjoy the evolution and propagation of the beautiful Monarch butterfly.